Workshop Industria Inteligente
Arrasate / Mondragon, January 11, 2023. The meeting on the Basque smart industry took place today, Wednesday, at the Garaia Technology Park in Arrasate, with the participation of about 75 experts on the subject and organized by the BRTA alliance (Basque Research & Technology Alliance).
Smart industry is the backbone of the European economy. The sector employs 22.1% of European workers and generates 26% of the added value of its economy. The objective of the Basque industry, for its part, "is to evolve from the integration of materials, processes, means and systems with an integral vision towards a model based on sustainability and circular economy, supported not only by information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the 4. 0 paradigm, but also Artificial Intelligence as the new key enabling technology in the development of the industry", adds Rikardo Bueno, general manager of the BRTA alliance.
The aim of this meeting, organized by the BRTA alliance, was to analyze the Basque smart industry, to know the context, trends and challenges faced by the centers.
The day began with a brief introduction by Rikardo Bueno, General Director of the BRTA alliance and Alberto Fernández González, Director of Technology and Innovation of the Basque Government.
For their part, experts from the different centers of the alliance presented the research and technology studies they are developing in the fields of advanced materials with zero footprint; connected intelligent machines; sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production processes; intelligent products; and new business and service models based on data.
The day concluded with a round table, moderated by Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia, head of Science and Technology at BRTA, where the vision for 2030 in the areas presented during the day was presented, in addition to the expected impact on the industrial sectors of reference in the Basque Country.
To close the event, in his final speech, Rikardo Bueno stressed that "today's day has been the meeting point for research staff and experts and experts in technology around the smart industry, and has served to share our work and get to know each other better." "Taking into account their work, Basque research personnel obtain leading results in the field of manufacturing at European and world level. All these results end up in the hands of our industry and strengthen its competitiveness. Through this type of meetings, our intention is to promote greater coordination and collaboration so that the results that are already good are even better", emphasizes Rikardo Bueno.
Smart industry is the backbone of the European economy. The sector employs 22.1% of European workers and generates 26% of the added value of its economy. The objective of the Basque industry, for its part, "is to evolve from the integration of materials, processes, means and systems with an integral vision towards a model based on sustainability and circular economy, supported not only by information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the 4. 0 paradigm, but also Artificial Intelligence as the new key enabling technology in the development of the industry", adds Rikardo Bueno, general manager of the BRTA alliance.
The aim of this meeting, organized by the BRTA alliance, was to analyze the Basque smart industry, to know the context, trends and challenges faced by the centers.
The day began with a brief introduction by Rikardo Bueno, General Director of the BRTA alliance and Alberto Fernández González, Director of Technology and Innovation of the Basque Government.
For their part, experts from the different centers of the alliance presented the research and technology studies they are developing in the fields of advanced materials with zero footprint; connected intelligent machines; sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production processes; intelligent products; and new business and service models based on data.
The day concluded with a round table, moderated by Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia, head of Science and Technology at BRTA, where the vision for 2030 in the areas presented during the day was presented, in addition to the expected impact on the industrial sectors of reference in the Basque Country.
To close the event, in his final speech, Rikardo Bueno stressed that "today's day has been the meeting point for research staff and experts and experts in technology around the smart industry, and has served to share our work and get to know each other better." "Taking into account their work, Basque research personnel obtain leading results in the field of manufacturing at European and world level. All these results end up in the hands of our industry and strengthen its competitiveness. Through this type of meetings, our intention is to promote greater coordination and collaboration so that the results that are already good are even better", emphasizes Rikardo Bueno.